Notice of Protest Hearing to Consider the following: Establish Reclamation District (RD) 900 as a Subsidiary District to the City of West Sacramento (LAFCo #926)
Notice is hereby given that on Wednesday, November 13, 2019 at 10:00 am, the Yolo Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) Executive Officer will conduct a Protest Hearing at the City of West Sacramento Council Chambers, 1110 West Capitol Ave, 2nd Floor, West Sacramento, CA to consider the following matter:
Establish Reclamation District (RD) 900 as a Subsidiary District to the City of West Sacramento (LAFCo #926)
The above proposal was conditionally approved by Yolo LAFCO at a noticed hearing held on July 25, 2019. The proposal involves a reorganization to establish RD 900 as a Subsidiary District to the City of West Sacramento, detaching the City portion of RD 537 and its Sphere of Influence (SOI), annexing RD 537’s Detached Territory, RD 537’s SOI, and the Balance of RD 900’s SOI within the West Sacramento Basin Levee System into RD 900 (see map). These actions would consolidate West Sacramento Basin reclamation district services under RD 900 and the city council would act as its ex officio board of directors in order to streamline the provision of flood control services in the West Sacramento Basin. The proposal was initiated by resolution of the West Sacramento City Council. The terms and conditions of the resolution require a finance plan to divide RD 537’s assets, a new RD 900 boundary map to be created, and existing RD assessments and expenditures to continue as is. The detailed resolution can be referenced at
The purpose of the Protest Hearing is to allow both landowners and registered voters within the affected territory the opportunity to submit written protest to the proposal. Qualifying individuals may submit written protest as both a landowner and registered voter, but must use a separate form for each protest. Written protests must be filed with LAFCo before the conclusion of the protest hearing. This includes submitting written protest by mail, e-mail, or hand-delivered, so long as it is received by LAFCo at 625 Court Street, Suite 107, Woodland, California 95695 by 5:00pm on Tuesday, November 12, 2019, the day before the protest hearing. All other protests must be hand delivered to LAFCo staff at the protest hearing scheduled for Wednesday, November 13, 2019 at 10:00 am, at the City of West Sacramento Council Chambers, 1110 West Capitol Ave, 2nd Floor, West Sacramento, CA before such hearing is closed. Each written protest shall state whether it is made by a landowner or registered voter. It shall also identify the property location or assessor's parcel number(s) (landowner) or residence address (including street number where applicable) (registered voter) and be signed and dated. All signatures must be dated after the publication of the protest hearing notice per Government Code 57051 (i.e., August 14, 2019). Only valid protests will be considered.
Protest forms for landowners and registered voters are available at If you have any questions, please contact Yolo LAFCo at (530) 666-8048 or
Resolution 2019-10 (adopted 07.25.19) Landowner Protest FormRegistered Voter Protest FormWithdrawal of Protest Form