Reorganization of the Lower Elkhorn Reclamation Districts 537, 785 and 827 (LAFCo No. 928)
Notice is hereby given that on Thursday June 27, 2019 at 9:00 am, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, the Yolo Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) will hold a Protest Hearing at the Yolo County Board of Supervisors Chambers, 625 Court Street, Room 206, Woodland, CA to receive any landowner protests on the following proposal which was approved at the May 23, 2019 LAFCo meeting:
Project Title:
Reorganization of Lower Elkhorn Reclamation Districts (RDs), Dissolving RD 785 and RD 827 and annexing both territories into RD 537 (LAFCo No. 928)
Project Description:
RD 537, RD 785 and RD 827 have jointly submitted an application to dissolve RD 785 and RD 827 and concurrently annex both territories into RD 537, subject to approval of a new benefit assessment by the landowners.
Written Protest:
Written protests against this reorganization may be filed by owners of land within the affected area. There are three ways to file written protests. Written protests may either be mailed to Yolo LAFCo, 625 Court Street, Suite 107 Woodland, CA 95695, emailed to LAFCo staff at, or you may attend the Protest Hearing on June 27th to hand-deliver your written protest to the LAFCo Executive Officer. Each written protest must be filed no later than the conclusion of the hearing to be considered valid. Protest Forms are available on the LAFCo website at under Proposal Applications. The effect of protests received will be determined within 30 days following the hearing in accordance with Government Code Section 57076.
Christine M. Crawford, AICP
LAFCo Executive Officer
(530) 666-8048 or
The Resolution of Application, description and maps, will be on file at the LAFCo office, 625 Court Street, Suite 107 Woodland, California. The Executive Officer's Report and the Agenda will be posted at least five days prior to the noticed hearing at the above address and online at All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing.
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please call Commission Clerk Terri Tuck at (530) 666-8048. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable LAFCo to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility.