Notice of Hearing:
MSR/SOI for the Yolo County Resource Conservation District (LAFCo No. 22-06)
Notice is hereby given that on Thursday, February 23, 2023, at 9:00 am, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, the Yolo Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) will hold a Public Hearing at the Yolo County Board of Supervisors Chambers, 625 Court Street, Room 206, Woodland, CA, and remotely via Zoom (see below), to consider adoption of a:
Municipal Service Review (MSR) and Sphere of Influence STUDY (SOI) for THE YOLO COUNTY RESOURCE CONSERVATION DISTRICT (LAFCo No. 22-06)
Municipal service reviews (MSRs) and spheres of influence (SOIs) are tools created to empower LAFCo to satisfy its legislative charge of “discouraging urban sprawl, preserving open-space and prime agricultural lands, efficiently providing government services, and encouraging the orderly formation and development of local agencies based upon local conditions and circumstances (§56301). The studies inform logical and reasonable development of local agencies to advantageously provide for present and future community needs. SOIs indicate the “probable physical boundaries and service area of a local agency” (§56076). MSRs provide the relevant growth, capacity, financial and accountability data to inform LAFCo’s SOI determinations. The MSR provides recommendations to improve agency capacity, financial ability, and accountability. On the basis of the MSR and in accordance with Government Code Section 56425(g), staff has reviewed the agency’s SOI and recommends that a SOI Update is not necessary at this time. Therefore, no change to the agency’s SOI is recommended.
The Draft MSR/SOI for the Yolo County Resource Conservation District is available for public review at the office of the Yolo LAFCo and online at Written comments on the MSR/SOI should be submitted to the LAFCo office either by mail at the address stated below, or via e-mail to the LAFCo Executive Officer at Copies of the agenda, staff report, and supporting information will also be available and may be examined at the LAFCo office, located in the Yolo County Administration Building, 625 Court Street, Suite 107, Woodland, CA, and online at least five days prior to the noticed hearing date.
LAFCo is currently holding hybrid meetings which can be attended in person in the Yolo County Board of Supervisors Chamber or remotely via Zoom pursuant to Government Code section 54953(e)(1) (as amended by Assembly Bill 361). The public is advised to check the meeting agenda for details about the meeting location and how to log on remotely.
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please call Commission Clerk Terri Tuck at (530) 666-8048. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable LAFCo to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility.